She Hates Loud Noises, Loves Loud Music
Do you know how the song “Hey Jude” ends? Of course, you do. It’s iconic and also cannot be avoided. It’s MINUTES of “Nahnahnahnah”’s and they make you feel so empowered when belting them to the top of your longs. Often in combination with alcohol or SoulCycle. Now here’s a better one for you; “The Boxer” by Simon and Garfunkle gave me the fucking feels tonight. It doesn’t go on nearly as long as “Hey Jude” does but nevertheless it’s over a minute of that repetition and it keeps that head nod going. We are also going to see “Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’” on this list because..duh. I’m absolutely in love with a good “belt out your goddamn soul” kind of song. I mean, isn’t that why we all love “Livin’ On A Prayer”? (one of my original favorites from when I was just a kiddie discovering my voice). Tell me you’ve passed up the opportunity to scream “I never knew I cared until I met you”, and you can go to boring land where you belong. So I’ve decided to compile a list of the songs t...