Remember as you read these posts that I am working toward being published one day in a book about “how they lived” during these months of quarantine. Maybe my blogs will be in a more specific book about how the struggling Millenials handled this time. Regardless, the details may seem mundane now but they are necessary for the education of this earth’s future. Today I ate a banana and then I had a cranberry orange muffin then I had some scrambled eggs and I had a coffee with breakfast and also some collagen water. It was strawberry flavored. Kidding. The truth is I’m running out of things to say. I don’t even bother spending all day on the phone with people because there is no new information . If you are one of the more valuable occupants of this planet and understand a good “Friends” reference, I read that in Pheobe’s voice from The One Where Everybody Finds Out . She technically says “brand new information”, but tomato tomato. I guess there is this...